What I'm knitting, sewing, cooking, baking...maybe other stuff too.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Triangle Girls

I'm always thinking about new places to put the paperclay heads I make. Last time it was papermache bodies with little openings in front that held old photos. This time it's stuffed fabric bodies.

With Christmas coming, my Triangle Girls are on hold, but I hope to have some of them--maybe some of their papermache sisters too--finished and added to my etsy shop, LolliePatchouli, shortly after the holidays. Here's what the first two look like so far.
triangle girls heads

triangle girls

triangle girls legs


florencemary said...

So unusual, so much thought/work put into them... your Girls are gorgeous... I love them! I will be watching your shop!


ps I love the your 'Etsy' name; I think I almost drowned in patchouli in the 70s (whilst listened to the Grateful Dead, of course).

florencemary said...

oops, grammatical mistakes in the ps...

Anastasia's dolls said...

so beautiful girls !

Ildiko said...

love the dolls!