I admire--envy might be a better word--people who make visual journals. I've tried to start my own but I never seem to get off the ground. I know it probably sounds silly, but I think it's my fear of messing up a pristine journal that keeps me from starting. I'm sure my fear of "wasting paper" goes back farther into my murky past than anyone, even me, wants to venture, so I'll just move forward.
I've discovered that I don't have the same fear of messing up "trash", because it's already sort of messed up when it becomes an art supply, so I've decided to make tags from everyday refuse that would either get recycled or go into the trash, then put the finished tags together into some sort of journal form.
I'm not going to commit to making a daily Trash Tag, but I'm going to try for at least a couple each week, and for now I think I'll string them onto one of those big, shiny keyring thingies. I may even add notes to the backs of some of them, making them into an
almost real journal.
Front and Back View of Trash Tag #1

Front and Back Trash Tag #2